Frontline Foods Vermont

Frontline Foods is a grassroots organization that raises money from the community to pay local restaurants to prepare meals for the heroes responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Fueled by a growing army of over 300 volunteers, they have raised over $1.1MM and delivered more than 20,000 meals to front-line workers in over 40 hospitals nationwide.

Volunteer to help support Vermonters

If you have medical experience or are a retired medical professional, please join the Vermont Medical Reserve Corps. If you are available for temporary or full-time work, the State of Vermont has current open positions that directly support the COVID-19 pandemic response and other roles critical to continued operations. For immediate hiring needs, visit

#Solidarityat8 !!

Say THANK YOU to our Vermont health care workers and other responders on the front lines of this pandemic. Join us at 8pm every day in expressing that gratitude. Go to your balcony or open your windows at 8pm every night and cheer for our health care and front-line workers.

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